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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Another Day Another Dollar

I have worked overtime for the first time in who knows how long! I'm going to be beat by the end of the day! But it's been a pretty slow (bad word) day.

I am 12 weeks along today. Much of my anxiety is well under control now. I do have 2 appointments this week. The one set for tomorrow is my regular 12 week appt and the other is set for Thursday for an NT Scan. They will be checking the baby for Tay-Sachs, Sickle Cell, and Downs Syndrome among other chromosomal problems. That will make me a little nervous but I'm sure we'll come out just fine!

I woke up to a little surprise this morning. While I was getting dressed, I realized what all that stretching cramps and hip pain was, the beginning of my baby bump. It's probably a little more pronounced than it would have been on anyone else since I'm rather fluffy to begin with!

Onto my book. I have written the end chapter of it. Yes...I said it. I figured out the end of the story and wrote it. It was quick, it was ruthless and I think it has all the suspense I had planned for it to have! So now I have to figure out what has happened to get us to that point. In the meantime, I have been researching more about the history of Dallas. It is set in Dallas and I thought it would be neat to incorporate certain historical elements since we are dealing with some very old vampires that have seen a bit of history in their day! I'm quite happy with the ending and now I'm kinda stuck on whether I would like to end it there on the cliffhanger or include an epilogue.

That's all I've got for now. I'll be sure to update next Sunday with info from the Drs appts!

Warm Fuzzies, Hugs, and Police Work,

Quote of the Blog: “I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying.” -Oscar Wilde